All previous conferences and conference chairs are listed below:
- 23th International Workshop QMSKI, Nordwijk, Netherlands, 2022 (co-chairs: Bert van Rietbergen, Harry van Lenthe, Quentin Grimal)
- 8th ISUCB, Fréjus, France, 2019 (co-chairs: Cécile Baron and Philippe Lasaygues)
- 21st IBDW and 7th ESUCB, Monastery Banz, Germany, 2017 (co-chairs: Klaus Engelke/Tobias Bäuerle/Kay Raum)
- 6th ESUCB, Corfu, Greece, 2015 (chair: Dimitrios I. Fotiadis)
- 5th ESUCB, Granada, Spain, 2013 (chair: Guillermo Rus)
- 4th ESUCB, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2011 (chair: Petro Moilanen)
- 3rd ESUCB, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2009 (chair: Michal Pakula)
- 2nd ESUCB, Halle, Germany, 2007 (chair: Kay Raum)
- 1st ESUCB, Paris, France, 2006 (co-chairs: Fréderic Padilla and Pascal Laugier)